F NEWS - TechScience


  Science and technology are two fields that are constantly evolving and offer us interesting and surprising news every day. Here are some of the recent news about science and technology that I have found on the web:

A curious phenomenon around a star is detected for the first time.
A team of astronomers has observed for the first time a ring of dust around a star that rotates at such a high speed that it deforms and flattens out. This phenomenon, called the "Maclaurin-Schwarzschild effect," could explain the formation of some planets and moons.

Tesla sells "broken window" stickers for Cybertruck... and they sell out.

Tesla has launched a peculiar marketing campaign for its Cybertruck electric truck, which consists of selling stickers that simulate broken glass in its windows. The idea is to reference the incident that occurred at the vehicle's 2019 unveiling, when its supposedly unbreakable windows shattered when hit by metal balls. The stickers sold out in just a few hours.

First chikungunya vaccine ready.

A biotech company has announced that it has successfully completed development of the first vaccine against chikungunya, a mosquito-borne viral disease that causes fever, joint pain and rash. The vaccine has been shown to be safe and effective in clinical trials, and could be available for use in 2024.

Scientists create a chimeric monkey with two different DNAs.

A group of researchers has succeeded in creating a chimeric monkey, i.e. an animal composed of cells from two genetically different individuals. To do this, they have fused embryos from two species of macaques, and have obtained a monkey with traits of both. The aim of this experiment is to study embryonic development and the possibilities of regenerative medicine.

Google launches Gemini, its artificial intelligence model that aims to compete with ChatGPT.

 Google has presented its new artificial intelligence model based on natural language, called Gemini. This model is capable of generating coherent and creative text from a word, phrase or topic. Google claims that Gemini outperforms ChatGPT, the reference model in this field, in several aspects, such as fluency, relevance and diversity.



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